Monday, 2 April 2018

Live chat software

Chatbots are often supposed to be used for customer service. However, an indispensable part of customer service is live chat software, which gives customer service representatives a platform to deal with end users' queries. Ideally, chatbots would be integrated seamlessly with live chat platforms and be the first line to answer users queries.

Let's have a look ato some of these platforms. An overview is given by G2 Crowd.
Purechat is not mentioned in this list, but it caught my attention, because it is the platform behind Bloovery. With this tool you can answer customers' queries, search and tag conversations, create canned responses. The most challenging feature, that is, suggestions to agents on how to answer to users' queries, is supposedly offered by Livechatinc, along with interesting ways to use canned responses and tags.

An interesting webinar showing some live features can be found here. It is from CreativeVirtual, a company which deserves further investigation.
The most interesting takeaways are the live demos and a demonstration of the importance of letting agents maintain a knowledge system. This is because they use a hybrid approach of human curation of content and self-learning allowing the system to keep control over the reliability of virtual agent responses.

They do mention bootstrapping systems with several layers of natural language knowledge, starting from the general language, going on to the business domain and at last leveraging the knowledge of the organization.
They promise that they are able to integrate Virtual Assistants with Live Chat, which both use the same knowledge base, but note that all their solutions make clear that you start from a chatbot which can be replaced during the conversation by a human and not the other way round. They offer services in several languages as well.

Zendesk seeems to aggressively combine artificial intelligence with livechat. Bold360 seems to aggressively push in Germany. More on these later.

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